In/Exclusion of English Learners in Longitudinal Research: A Historical Review of Indiana’s School Accountability for English Learners


  • Trish Morita-Mullaney Purdue University


English Learner (EL) achievement on standardized tests (ISTEP+) in Indiana publicly presents ELs as underachieving relative to non-ELs.  This public narrative of EL performance is situated in a landscape of multiple educational policy changes at the state and federal levels (Indiana Department of Education, 2014c; "No Child Left Behind," 2001).  The changing criterion for being EL, inclusion of ELs in state testing and misinterpretation of federal laws at the State Education Agency (SEA) level are examined along with the narratives of EL leaders charged with local implementation.

            Findings demonstrate that measuring the longitudinal growth and patterns of ELs over time is complex, as 14 documented changes have occurred in educational policy from 1999 to the 2013-2014 school year.  Implications demonstrate the need for policy analysts to understand the local ecologies of Indiana schools serving ELs, including the narratives of those commissioned to implement reform changes for ELs. 

Author Biography

Trish Morita-Mullaney, Purdue University

Dr. Trish Morita-Mullaney is an ELL Visiting Assistant Professor at Purdue University, where she teaches ELL licensure and certificate courses.  She also provides professional development for the Wabash Valley Educational Center and other regional education center throughout Northern Indiana.  She formerly served as an ELL district administrator in the MSD of Lawrence Township in Indianapolis, Indiana and the Indiana Department of Education’s division of English Language Learning.  Her research interests examines the intersection between the field of ELL and educational leadership.



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