Translingual Writing: From Process to Product? Globalizing Written English in the Second Language Writing Classroom


  • angela herrmann Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis


Many universities are engaged in efforts to internationalize which will lead to increasing nubers of international students and faculty, thus growing the number of language contact zones within the university. It is in composition and second language writing (SLW), classrooms where the influence of internationalization efforts are often most visible, where traditional teaching practices and pedagogies in standard written English (SWE) at times insufficiently address language issues. A growing theoretical movement is nudging the SWE hegemony aside in favor of translingualism—an attempt to welcome other language structures into the classroom. For second language writing (SLW) programs, this movement poses some interesting challenges.

Author Biography

angela herrmann, Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis

M.A. English (pending) with concentrations in Teaching Writing and TESOL


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