How Service-Learning promotes intergenerational harmony: Case study of a Service-Learning project in a science course


  • Sze Nga Cecilia Au Yeung Lingnan University
  • Lai Ki LAM Lingnan University
  • Jonathan Fong Lingnan University



Service-Learning, Intergenerational harmony, Open communication, Reciprocal learning, Science education


The Office of Service-Learning, Lingnan University partnered with the Discovery and Education Department, Ocean Park (a theme park in Hong Kong) to develop a Service-Learning project. Along with the traditional goals of Service-Learning (enhance undergraduate student learning, provide useful service for community partner), we added an additional goal of promoting [1]The educational services (narration services at the exhibits and interactive games) aimed to fulfil Ocean Park’s goal of providing a richer visitor experience, as well as promote the message of marine conservation. This study provides information on how including elders as service providers in a Service-Learning project can facilitate reciprocal learning between age groups and promote intergenerational harmony.


[1] CLD 9008 Life Sciences: The Way Life Works. This course is taught by Professor Jonathan Fong, Assistant Professor in Science Unit, Lingnan University.

Author Biographies

Sze Nga Cecilia Au Yeung, Lingnan University

Department of Marketing and International Business,

Lingnan University,

Hong Kong

Lai Ki LAM, Lingnan University

Office of Service-Learning,

Lingnan University,

Hong Kong

Jonathan Fong, Lingnan University

Science unit, Lingnan University,

Hong Kong


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