Peer mentoring: A tool for serving the diverse needs of 21st century college students


  • Peter Collier Portland State University



student peer mentoring


Higher education is changing even as it stays the same. What has stayed the same is the immense value of a completed college degree on both societal and personal levels. For society, increasing the percentage of the population with advanced educational credentials is associated with increased work skills, a stable economy, stable national, state, and local tax revenue streams, decreased needs for a range of social services, increased citizen participation, and perhaps most importantly, an informed citizenry capable of understanding and synthesizing complex information and critically thinking about important social issues. On a personal level, increasing the percentage of individuals with completed college degrees should be associated with higher standards of living, better health, and higher levels of feelings of self-efficacy and self-worth for a greater number/ percentage of Americans.

Author Biography

Peter Collier, Portland State University

Peter J. Collier is the director/principal investigator of Dr. Peter J. Collier Consulting, a research shop that provides design and evaluation support for college student mentoring programs. Dr. Collier has extensive experience in developing and implementing peer-mentoring programs targeting first-generation, international and other under-represented group college students. His most recent book is Developing Effective Student Peer Mentoring Programs: A Practioner’s Guide to Program Design, Delivery, Evaluation and Training, published by Stylus Press, Sterling, VA.


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