Embedded Inclusive Excellence at a Southern Metropolitan Public University





inclusive excellence, higher education, equity, diversity, inclusion, racial equity, UNC Greensboro, UNCG


UNC Greensboro’s vision is to be a national model for how a public research university can achieve access and excellence to transform students, the institution, and the community. With origins as the segregated Woman’s College (WC), our evolution as a southern metropolitan public university reflects race, place, and their intertwined historical legacies. Embedded inclusive excellence, as a heuristic, frames the intentional, synergistic, and organic processes we engage to advance faculty diversity, and a more inclusive learning environment. Specifically, borrowing a central concept from economics, we illustrate cultural, structural/institutional, and social “embeddedness” that has supported significant and positive changes at our university.

Author Biographies

Chancellor Franklin D. Gilliam, Jr., Chancellor, UNC Greensboro

Chancellor and Professor of Political Science, UNC Greensboro and Professor Emeritus of Public Policy and Political Science, UCLA

Dr. Andrea Hunter, UNC Greensboro

Professor of Human Development and Family Studies

Dr. Julia Mendez Smith, UNC Greensboro

Professor of Psychology, UNC Greensboro

Dr. Tanya M. Coakley, UNC Greensboro

Professor and Associate Chair in Social Work for Research

Steve J. Haines, UNC Greensboro

Professor of Music, Director, Miles Davis Jazz Studies Program


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